The 9 Blind Spots of CEOs

by Shirley McKinnon | McKinnon Management Group

Are the blind spots within your leadership holding back your business from achieving unprecedented results?

Blind spots in leaders and teams can derail even the most well-crafted strategies. Blind spots are automatic behaviours that we easily identify in others but often avoid confronting in ourselves. In the pursuit of growth, CEOs often focus on altering processes, systems, or structures.

To achieve organizational transformation, leadership transformation is essential. In many businesses, unproductive behaviour is condemned in principle but tolerated in practice.

Effective interaction is a learned behaviour—unproductive behaviour is automatic, while productive behaviour is acquired.

Here are nine common behavioural blind spots that CEOs need to address:

  1. Insensitivity to Your Impact on the Team: Understanding how your actions and decisions affect your team is crucial. Ignoring this can lead to a disengaged and demotivated workforce.
  2. Lack of Self-Reflection: Focusing on others without looking inward prevents growth. Regular self-reflection allows for personal and professional development.
  3. Avoiding Difficult Conversations: Shying away from tough discussions can lead to unresolved issues and a lack of clarity. Confronting challenges head-on fosters a culture of transparency and trust.
  4. The Need to Be Right: Insisting on being right can stifle innovation and discourage team input. Embrace diverse perspectives to drive creativity and growth.
  5. Reluctance to Delegate: Holding on to tasks that can be delegated, hampers efficiency and stunts team development. Trust your team with responsibilities to boost their confidence and capabilities.
  6. Hearing Without Understanding: Listening to what is said without ensuring the speaker feels heard can lead to disengagement. Active listening validates your team’s concerns.
  7. Neglecting Work Environment: Failing to consciously create a positive and empowering work environment can undermine productivity. Foster a culture that supports and motivates your team.
  8. Lack of Trust in Your Team: Not trusting your team’s abilities can lead to micromanagement and low morale. Trusting your team empowers them and enhances their performance.
  9. Relying Solely on Logic: Using only logic to engage your team neglects the emotional and intellectual connection needed for true engagement. Inspire and motivate your team through emotional and intellectual appeals.

By identifying and addressing these blind spots, CEOs can foster a more productive, engaged, and high-performing organization. Transforming leadership behaviour is the first step towards achieving exceptional business results.

For more information about the contents of this article please contact Shirley McKinnon of McKinnon Management Group at

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

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